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Speeding Program & Citations

If you received a citation in the mail and wish to pay it securely with a credit or debit card, please click the link below to go to our secure payment portal.


The Laurel Oak Community Association, Inc. ("Association") instituted a traffic calming and enforcement program to better control and eliminate speeding, running stop signs and careless driving within Laurel Oak.  The Association believes solving these problems is fundamental to keeping the community safe as such actions endanger the driver of the vehicle, our children, other residents, guests, golfers, walkers, runners, bicyclists and wildlife.

The Board of Directors of the Association meets and levies fines against individuals for speeding within the Laurel Oak community. The posted speed limit for all of Laurel Oak is 25 miles per hour. The Association uses speed camera devices to photograph the vehicle and determine the speed of the vehicle. The covenants committee meets each month to review any appeals of fines issued by the board.

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